s. In little time the Internet if became a hegemonic media and its influences are increasing in all the society. In Brazil and mainly in the northeast region, although the computer with access to the world-wide net to be accessible the supplied classrooms, recent research show a bigger growth in the number of accesses for parts of less fortunate classrooms. This growth if of, over all, by means of paid public spaces, mainly the LAN house. These places are frequented, over all, for young in the etria band of the 16 24 years, with lesser level of escolaridade and average income of until a minimum wage. Thus, the LAN house, in Brazil, had started to play an important role in the immersion of the poor classrooms,> mainly the young, in ciberespao. Taking them it an environment where the borders are relative and the dimensions provide to different sensations of any another tried place already. In recent years the Brazilian Internet lived a great growth in the number of users, the intensity of the access and the variety of use.
Analysts as Marcelo Coutinho, director of Analysis of Market of the IBOPE Intelligence, affirm that hardly a retrocession in this panorama in the next years will be had. The penetration of the Internet accumulates of stocks the most different social groups and etrias bands. However, as diverse specialists as the consultant American north Don Tapscott (1999) already it comes registering; he is well-known that the appropriation comes occurring in more intense way enters a public whose phase of letramento is confused with the years of popularizao of the new technologies and that, in this beginning of century XXI, is young that composes the call digital generation. To present the number of internautas is not an easy task. Diverse justinian codes of research use different criteria to define who are an user.