This document corresponds to institucional report doEvento I State Meeting of Ambient Education of the Amap: ‘ ‘ Reinforcement, Enraizamento and Articulao’ ‘ , occurrence noperodo of 16 a18 of April of the year of 2008, in the capital of the State of the Amap- Macap, in the doauditrio space of the State University of the Amap-UEAP and audiences institucionaiscomplementares. Its accomplishment was organized and co-ordinated for the tcnicada team Commission Interinstitucional de Ambient Educao of the State doAmap-CIEA/AP in partnership with the practical sectors public and private that seidentificam and somatizam the partner-ambient commitment in its degesto. II PRESENTATION the recognition of the ambient education as instrumentoeficaz in the understanding of the ambient question and in the construction of a novaracionalidade for the conquest and maintenance of the environment sustentvelresultou in the estruturao of one politics the national level, consolidated atravsda Law 9,795/99 that it conceives the basic principles, eestratgias lines of performance to subsidize the actions of EA in the states and cities. Based on such lines of direction, the Federal Government through the Ministries dEducao and of the Environment, instituted the National Politics of Implantation dasComisses Interinstitucionais de Ambient Educao in the year of 2003, comomecanismo of reinforcement of emtodos the Ambient Education as Public Politics the states of the federacy. Thus, considering the paper of the States, the Federal District and the Cities, in the sphere of its abilities and nasreas of its jurisdictions, in the definition of lines of direction, norms and criteria paraa Ambient Education, respected the principles and objectives of the PolticNacional de Educao Ambiental (PNEA), as conducts Art. 16 of the Law in the 9.795/99; as well as the Law in the 9,394/96 (LDB) and too much effective legislaes docampo of the education; the National Program of Ambient Education (ProNEA) comomarco orienting for the elaboration of politics of ambient education and seuprocesso of public consultation as strategy of control and social participation; the necessity and relevance of joint, reinforcement and enraizamento ambient daeducao in all domestic territory; that the elaboration and aimplementao of politics of ambient education require the interlocution between astrs government spheres; that the elaboration and the implementation of politics ambient deeducao in the compartilhadapelos states and cities require its management education and environment agencies; that the elaboration and implementaode politics of ambient education demand the construction and reinforcement State dasComisses Interinstitucionais collegiate, representative and democratic de Educao Ambient as espaospblicos; that the participation cidadna elaboration and implementation of politics instituted in the State peloDecreto n 2196, of 18 of July of 2006, democratic character, advisory edeliberativo in its scope, has the purpose to promote the quarrel, the management,> coordination, the accompaniment and the evaluation, as well as the implementation dasatividades of ambient education of the state of the Amap, contemplated in its Estratgicode Plan Action, considering norms, also observed the effective legal disposals, articulated with the institutions and Cities, sights to support them in seustrabalhos of ambient education and to make compatible them with executed peloGoverno State, integrating its composition public institutions not-governmental einstituies..