Tag: medicine

Smoking And Obesity

Many smokers, among other reasons why they still smoke, called the fear of the inevitable weight gain. Almost all of their friends who quit smoking really recovered, and they do not want that to happen with them. So is there a direct link between smoking cessation and weight gain? What is the cause of this phenomenon, and whether we can control weight, quit smoking? In fact, even according to statistics, you will get better not much. Many have dropped out smoke, did not collect any extra grams. Studies have shown that the average weight increases to a maximum of 4.5 kg, with a gain in weight of more experienced smokers or smoked more packs a day. Further details can be found at Salar Kamangar, an internet resource. Nicotine – a substance that contained in cigarettes, has only a small effect on body weight. If you would like to know more then you should visit Construction Lubricants Market. When you quit smoking, and nicotine from the body is displayed, there is only slight and short-term weight gain of 1-2 kg, mainly due to changes in water balance. But the main reason why ex-smokers get better, that they are replacing cigarettes with food, replaced by a new old habit.

Someone all day sucking hard candy, someone is always chewing on chips or candy. Former cigarette break at work now replaced by "snack." Comes to the fact that even after-dinner cigarette instead, they are also something to chew. It is this new habit that occurs almost unconsciously, is the reason weight gain in parting with a cigarette. If, quit smoking, you'll pay attention to what and when you eat, and even more so if this you increase your physical activity – you do not grow fat. On the other hand, even if you gain the extra 4-5 kg of – this is nothing compared to the harm that you receive, while continuing to smoke. Smoking – the cause of more than 400 000 deaths annually in the United States alone. And even if you recovered to 50 kg, it is still better to quit smoking.

Since cigarette smoke you inhale about 4,000 chemical compounds, and 40 of them are carcinogenic, that is, lead to cancer. Chances of heart attacks for smokers is higher than that Smoking, 2 times the risk of lung cancer in smokers – 12 times, and men – to 22-fold So forget about weight gain. For its control will require only a small bit of willpower and exercise. But in return you get good health, you'll feel better and, more importantly, your prospects in life are not as bleak as in smokers.

Alcohol Paranoid Brad Chase

Alcoholic delirium occurs in the second stage of alcoholism, after years of the existence of alcohol withdrawal syndrome. Develops paranoid, usually on the first day after the end of many days alcohol abuse. More information is housed here: Mark Rein Epic. Often the appearance of alcoholic delusions of persecution precedes a longer soak, or an increase in daily doses of alcohol. First noted sleep disturbances, mood is ill depressed, increased irritability. There is confusion, anxiety, fear, and in some cases – hallucinations. The interval from the emergence of more vague fears before the full confidence to the top harassment can take from several hours to several days.

The patient begins all deeds of the surrounding people, their gestures, facial expressions, individual words and whole phrases interpreted as a manifestation of actions and intentions towards against him. He feels that others are going to kill him or out of revenge or for the purpose of mastering his property, or by some yet unknown to him motives. Of these patients can guess the motives of phrases and gestures pursuers. One word spoken in their presence, may become the basis for the profound confidence not only in the character of the impending massacre, but the details of its implementation. Typically, patients are quite firmly know the motives the ongoing persecution against them. A particular variant of alcoholic paranoia is delusion of jealousy (usually they are suffering men over forty years). Such patients feel that their wife is wrong, that it changes with numerous lovers, even to their relatives, for example, brother, uncle, etc.

The patient's wife threatened with death for treason. Any conviction that is all it just seems to not be sick, but rather argues that it still wants to present fool. Under the influence of delusions such person may have committed a serious crime, it is extremely dangerous and socially. Alcoholic delusions of persecution may last from several days to several weeks. Help in alcoholic paranoid: a challenge to the psychiatrist, if necessary – hospitalization. After the first phase of treatment (relief of withdrawal or acute intoxication in a hospital outpatient or home) patients voluntarily offered to go to the second and third phase (respectively: postabstinentnyh correction of mental disorders and anti-therapy).

Print Resolution

It should be noted that the noise level of modern computers is low and does not interfere with normal operation. Laser printers also produce ozone, but all the printers in Print spreading dust. Modern printers are small selection, but still not to be printed in unventilated areas and tilted to the printer during printing. If the printer prints a lot, it is necessary take care of additional ventilation. So far examined only the characteristics of the computer and the room in which it resides.

However, it is important to organize the work place and set up your computer. Whatever high-quality monitor you use, if it is to significantly reduce the brightness and contrast, you will greatly strain the eyes and tired quickly. Unfortunately, the article can not describe the particular configuration of all models of monitors, so that you must try to choose the most satisfying you the brightness and contrast. It should be remembered that the bust is also harmful, as the shortfall. By the way, if the edges screen you are still black bars, you should adjust the image size. In this modern monitors is very simple.

Extremely important parameter is the vertical frequency, that is, the rate of change personnel. This frequency depends on the resolution of the screen that is displayed on the number of points. In any screen resolution to use the frequency of not less than 85 Hz, 100 Hz or better. For LCD monitors is considered normal frequency of 70 Hz. If your monitor does not support this rate, it is necessary to reduce the resolution.

Vision Recovery

Here, I'll write a little about yourself: how and why I became involved in the restoration zreniya.Uverena that my story is similar to the stories of many people. All the while, since I can remember, I did not have to give up points. As a result of its 23-th anniversary, I reached the vision of -10 diopters. Up to this point, neither I nor my parents have not even thought occurred that may restore vision. One day a friend gave me a CD with video courses to see the restoration of Professor Zhdanov.

I rewrote it on your computer safely and forgot about it. After a couple of months of inactivity, I decided to see what is still a lecture recorded on the disc. At that time, I also have not yet been thought that possible to restore vision. I woke up in the usual curiosity mixed with skepticism. Say, if that could be easily restored with the help of exercise, no one would now not go to the glasses. At that point I still do not knew it was not easy. Run the drive, I had almost immediately turned off because the image quality left much to be desired. That's all I remembered about him.

Then in my life many things have happened. It was only later half again surfaced that disk. My boyfriend told me to do restoration of vision. He mentioned that he had heard about Professor Zhdanov. It turned out that I have these lectures.

Global Warming

About Global Warming Global warming is the term used to describe a gradual increase in the average temperature of the Earth s atmosphere and its oceans, a change that WILL permanently upset the Earth s CLIMATE FOREVER, – While many view the effects of global warming to be more substantial and more rapidly occurring than others do, the scientific consensus on climatic changes related to global warming is that the average temperature of the Earth has risen between 0.4 and 0.8 C over the past 100 years. The increased volumes of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases released by the burning of fossil fuels, land clearing, agriculture, and other human activities, are believed to be the primary sources of the global warming that has occurred over the past 50 years. Scientists from many parts of the world, – carrying out global warming research have recently predicted that average global temperatures could increase between 1.4 and 5.8 C by the year 2100. Changes resulting from global warming may include rising sea levels due to the melting of the polar ice caps, as well as an increase in occurrence and severity of storms and other severe weather events. Earth is naturally insulated by a delicate balance of heat-trapping (or greenhouse) gases in the atmosphere.

When the sun shines on the Earth, some of that heat is absorbed, keeping Earth warm enough to support life. The problem is that over the last century, we humans have been releasing more and more carbon dioxide and other heat-trapping gases into the atmosphere when we burn fuels and cut down forests. These additional gases have upset the natural balance of our atmosphere, trapping more heat than is healthy for the Earth. The result is human-caused global warming, which brings serious threats from increased flooding to the spread of disease to the disruption of agriculture in many parts of the world.