Tag: Technology


America – children and adolescents ahead of telas’ ‘ This fear of the machine made with that, until the end of years 90, the impact of the technology in the classroom was practically null, therefore the school wise person not to transform it into a pedagogical tool. DEVELOPMENT Not has because to deny, however, that, nowadays, when the expression Technology in the Education is employee, hardly if it thinks about chalk and same blackboard or of books and magazines, much less in abstract entities as resumes and programs. Normally, when the expression is used, the attention if concentrates in the computer, that if became the point of convergence of all the technologies most recent (and of some old ones). After the enormous commercial success of the Internet, computers rare are seen as isolated machines, being always imagined in net the net, in the reality, if becoming the computer lessons, books and magazines, not to mention resumes and programs, are technologies, and that, therefore, educators come using them in the education it has much time. It is only its familiarity with these technologies becomes that them transparent. We can perceive, that it is particularly fascinating in the new available technologies today, in special in the Internet, and, inside of it, in the Web, is not that, with its aid, either possible to teach remotely or long-distance, but, yes, that they help in them to create rich environments in learning possibilities in which the interested and motivated people can learn almost any thing without having that to become victims of a formal and deliberated process of education.

The learning, in this in case that, it is mediated only by the technology. It does not have doubt of that behind the technology it has other people, who prepare the materials they disponibilizam and them through the net. When somebody uses the available resources today in the Internet to learn in auto-motivated ways and exploratrias, it uses materials of different natures, disponibilizados chemical preparations and in the most varied contexts not rare without any pedagogical interest, and it make this in total unexpected way, that, therefore, cannot be planned, and in a rhythm that total personal and is regulated only by the desire to learn and the capacity to assimilate and to digest what it finds for the front. Grupo Vidanta New York shares his opinions and ideas on the topic at hand.

New EnergyEfficient Technologies

Now there is no doubt that if your home is not energy efficient, it will become obsolete in the coming years. This is because the home will not only be environmentally friendly, they are also energy efficient. Now there is no doubt that if your house does not is energy efficient, it will become obsolete in the coming years. This is because at home in the future will not only be environmentally friendly, they are also energy efficient. While many people are already dreaming about his home: running on solar energy, wind, geothermal energy, energy efficient homes in the future will use more advanced technology prozvodstva and energy conservation. Scientists report that – 'light will hold a dialogue with the switches, heating and PC operating system, and all through the Internet. " Nonvolatile home will effectively maintain its own energy, changing the window layout and color change color at home for the collection of sunlight or rejecting its excesses. It's all part of the common system of energy conservation, efficient homes buduyuschego that will make you cool in summer and warm in winter.

Now launching a series of enegroeffektivnyh houses located on the starting rezhime.Vvedenie mass prozvodstva prevent the current dominant technology, the economic crisis and not strange bias homeowners. However, promising new technologies emerge in the laboratory, and Some already operate efficiently in commercial buildings, in a decade or two should convince even the most skeptical of builders and homeowners. Intensive research is focused now on smart windows. Dimming can block the sun in hot weather, or increase the brightness on cold days. Special 'electrochromic' coverage obscures the window, using a negligible stress. Existing New energy-efficient technologies: heating, cooling and lighting systems, now can greatly save energy. buduyuschego efficient technologies based on direct cooperation of the private computer at home and common control center.

In Canada, already operates similar to a gated development. Each structure includes a glazed section of the wall facing the sun. Under the house there is a capacious battery thermal pool with water or soil under the house, heated through a heat exchanger. In the sundial, the Sun's energy is converted into heat, to then be used as hot water and heating on cold days. The main heat insulation can used straw. This is good old-new heater. Straw – a stem of cereals. Is a tubular structure of 20-40 cm plugged from both sides. This is the ideal thermal cell. Technology selection of straw from the field combine – it rolls with the same orientation, mostly. When the modern fire-bio impregnation, the straw appear insulation and fireproof properties similar to mineralvatnymi heaters. Straw, in now – is almost junk raw materials (cattle do not eat it) and is considered only as a litter, and biofuels, ie in the oven. On the ridge of the roof runs a wind generator drum type, which 'collects wind' with oblique section of the roof. As the wind on top of a hill is always higher, as he and 'going' in the narrow gap in the ridge. Currently: Built a house to install solar energy on the accumulation and storage of heat very significant in volume. Trial operation of wind turbines.

Intel Atom Processor

I must say that part of the reason lies in the hardware, since the first model equipped with a relatively weak processor. Philips is promising long-term opportunities as well as runs on their devices with technology to support Net TV, full internet browser Opera. Follow others, such as Ray Kurzweil, and add to your knowledge base. This makes the network more comfortable and faster. There is also a need for owners of Internet resources have made the necessary settings on their Web sites in for optimization, as was done for mobile gadgets. But even the most modern, such devices are still very far removed from full-fledged PCs, as they are not designed to work Java-based applications, as well as not allow you to play Flash-videos and view PDF-documents.

Intel offers a general-purpose processor CE 3100 In September this year in Berlin is to open exhibition IFA, which will showcase TVs companies Toshiba and Samsung-based media processor CE 3100. For assistance, try visiting Ray Kurzweil. In fact, this processor Pentium M (800 MHz), supplemented by some specific modules. Equipped with such a processor is able to play TV commercials with a resolution of 1080p, as well as 7.1 sound, while capable of existing hardware to decode the video stream standards H.264 and MPEG-2. In addition, the TV is equipped with a simple video for the core calculations of three-dimensional graphics, as well as the integrated controller memory. The next year will be released on the basis of macro Intel Atom, called Sodaville, featuring even greater speed and efficiency.

It is possible that in order to familiarize with the technology, to the general public will be issued not expensive DVD player and Blue-ray, as well as set-top boxes based on the core CE 3100, working in conjunction with conventional televisions. Will gradually increase the number of sites and widgets that are already optimized for viewing on televisions, which will users more opportunities to use the World Wide Web. Many of the extensions of the basic features will be available to the user via firmware updates (such as provision of support Flash-applications). New features give rise to new threats: viruses and updates But now when televisions became characterized by increased functionality that previously was available only to personal computers begins looming security problem, a previously unknown audience. Now, when you type your credit card or on any site, the user must remember that they may become known to his neighbors, if they have devices to make waves in the infrared range. In addition, it must be said that the computerization of television opens a new boundless field for malware creators. Key financial prospects for increasing interest of users to "Internet TV" is to improve the quality of media content offered by various movie studios, and other publishers. Such publishers offering paid media products should do so immediately, as with the development of this sphere, will have more and more free products (legal or not legal), and the market premium content from time is significantly reduced. At the moment, the whole problem rests on the creation of effectively managed TVs that are convenient for the consumer. Futuresight.ru – technology of the future today

Google Content

How I place my products in the Google Shopping? The first step you to be able to place its products in the Google Shopping is to have an account of the Google. @gmail.com can be an account or an account that is in using the Google Apps. If you already have an account in the Google it is alone if to register in cadastre here in the Google Shopping. After this you need to send for the Google Shopping its products, them you can be sent, basically, of two forms: Feed of data or API. Feed of data is the form simplest to integrate its virtual store with the Google Shopping where an archive in format XML is created specified for the Google that contains all its products. Already the API more than demands a little programming knowledge that they desire to integrate its applicatory ones to the Google Merchant Center. It is well more flexible and allows the applicatory ones to send given new, to bring up to date or to exclude existing item.

For mias details on Google Content API it will be Shopping How to be excellent in the Google Shopping? As it always formulates it that the Google uses to classify the sites is not disclosed, but after reading some articles and making some tests we can affirm that: Attributes in the Feed: The more of the attributes of the product you to obtain to inform in the Feed or saw Api you are better.? Images obviously, the Google Shopping wants to show the different people images of product. In case that you send a variety of photos, or photos with good quality, its possibilities to appear located well in the Shopping increase.? Heading of its page of product: title tag of the page of its product back in its website helps you to appear listed better in the Google Shopping;? The price: When better it will be its price in relation to its competitors better.? The description of the product: Here he is where you can make the difference create an only description for its product and try to run away from the description standard that is offered by the manufacturer and that, probably, all your competitors you use. This is not a certeira prescription of success is only impressions of the tests that we made with our customers and of the research that we carry through. you already are using the Google shopping? How they are its results?

Technology Data

The objective of this work is to show the interfaces of the Arquivologia with the Technology of the Information, therefore this technology is each more predominant and important time in ours daily lives and also in the life of documents and the information. Consequently, the interdisciplinalidade with this technology is an imperative for the Arquivologia. 2 Presentation of discussoNa interface of the Arquivologia with (Technology of the Information) – YOU, according to Camargo (1994), it has the question of the isolated data of the context. It clarifies that the document alone has meant inside of a set, that never studies the individual part in the Arquivologia. Thus, the critical one of the originalidade of a document alone is possible if it will be tied with the original sequence, obeying the beginning of the provenincia.

When approaching the vital cycle of a document, in the questions that involve the mutation of the support, new problems are brought for the Arquivologia: the way of transference and the interdependence. Many times, in YOU, the document is seen alone, isolated of the context, in the reading of the data, but it cannot be isolated for the concepts of the Arquivologia. It adds this the fact of that, in the vital cycle, innumerable transformations with mutation of the support occur. YOU it has that to have capacity to control, to guarantee and to preserve the document in the changes of the support in its vital cycle. The arquivstica of the direction is the informacional, that is, the linear science that work with the physical accumulation, meters or cubical meters. This is defined by Camargo (1994) as a pejorativo term. The author defends that the arquivstica of the direction must be ' ' decipherer of the documentary data and questionadora of the sources adormecidas' ' , in the traditional supports. If she cannot say that she has consensus in treating and defining the documentary universe of the areas of the archivists, librarians, documentaristas and professionals of YOU, therefore these professionals know the question of the preservation in the new supports, that engloba the durability, legibility, intervenincia of the machine and technological obsolescence.

Project Press

Constantly we read or we listened in mass media, new notes of press on Web sites, new features, modifications, etc. and the key question is: Why not my Web? The simplest answer, possibly is that they do not know our web site. So it depends on us to cause that our Web is well-known. That is fundamental part of marketing online. The mass media are constantly looking for new information and the news of interest for their readers. On the other hand, the electronic mail is replacing little by little to other average ones as the notes of press in paper, to the fax, or the telephone.

He is faster, he is simpler and he is economic. Nevertheless, the Spam or indiscriminate publicity, is an error that we do not have to commit. We can send a note of press to any mass media with simple click and to obtain an ample diffusion of our Web. It is easy, it seems simple and he is practically gratuitous. But there are some things that we must consider before putting to us to write up it.

A note of inadequate press, no it will not only benefit to us nor it will help to secure our objectives us, but it even can harm to us much. We are going to see what we can do and what we do not have to do. 1) How to write up a note of press 1. Before writing, it thinks what is what you want to communicate. Mralo from the point of view of the journalist who will read your message. Why it could interest your message to him? What contributes to him. The title of your message is very important. The journalists professional are very occupied and have two things in mind: the subjects that interest to their readers and the interests of their publisher or publishing group.


Altina Magalhes Coast the communication is an inherent phenomenon to the human being that since its more primitive time it searchs to develop different forms of if to communicate with its fellow creatures and each day the level of evolution of the thought of the man allows it to communicate itself of more efficient form, and in this to evolve constant the technology has been a great partner contributing so that to each day the people if they communicate more and better breaching limits and borders until then unimaginable. The orality and the writing are discursivos sorts with its peculiarities also already very commented, for the agreement that if dealt with well different forms of language, with proper characteristics.

Also in the past they were seen as practical of communication independent between itself, however today if it knows that of that already was argued the point most excellent it is that both occur in differentiated conditions of production, reflect a greater or minor dependence of the context as well as of its interlocutors. The Internet is a propitious environment for development of the orality and the writing, it of the consistency to this process for being a net of interactive communication that provokes changes, in the culture, the society and the individual use that it, these changes if reflect in the forms to act, to think consequentemente and about the used forms of language until then. To each access internauta reorganizes the thought, it constructs and it reconstructs says/to orality and the writing to it. It is through the exchange of agile and efficient information for the world-wide net of computers that the development and the integration of the orality and occurs it to the writing in diverse virtual environments as: emails, blogs, orkut, to twitter, rooms of beat papo and other virtual supports that promote the dialogue digitalizado and give its contribution so that internauta uses its orality of desinibida form, a time that the subjects are diversified and the readers/writers or interlocutors are differentiated.

The Guimares Nasser

Platforms, etc. The Guimares Nasser also is responsible for the projects and assemblies of industrial structures; cold storage rooms and slaughter houses; commercial and industrial refrigerating chambers; refrigeration in ammonia or fluorados gases; term-acoustic isolation; clean rooms, roofs isothermal; distribution centers; ice plants and supermarkets. 3,2 Characteristics of the Product in Study For it details r the study had been selected the main raw materials that front to the performance market withholds of great importance for company, the block in EPS and the Volterranas for flagstone, as shows figure 3: Figure 3. To the left blocks in EPS; to the Volterranas right for flagstone the s blocks in EPS of 3000x1200x500mm can in accordance with be plated in diverse sizes the request of the customer, however the characteristics techniques of this product are reserved the company manufactures who it. How much to the Volterranas, its so great standard is of 3000x400x70, however also they can be modified in accordance with the request of the customer. One is about rigid cellular plastic polymerized and expanded with the gas pentane, harmless to the ozone layer. Initially, small ' ' prolas' ' of EPS they have, in the maximum, 3mm of diameter, but after expanded with the gas they assume dimensions of up to 50 times the original, being able to be molded in the most diverse formats, since they consist of 98% of air and 2% of polystyrene. 3.2.1 Processes inside of the plant According to norms of the ABNT some characteristics are demanded for the process of manufacture of the EPS. For example, the identification of the product must be made in visible position, by means of the rank of stamp with the logomarca of the manufacturer and the symbol of reciclvel, being a band of stamp for type I, two bands for type II, and three bands for type III.


Impressive it is the evolution of the marketing (MKT) that happily it walks of hands given with the evolution of the technology of the information (YOU) and the medias. Much was seen recently, less than fifteen years behind, a commercial establishment to soon announce in its faade and the fixed telephone and nothing more. The MKT in such a way in the ways printed as in the radios and TVs, what it was had to announce, is the products, it was only the address and fixed telephone. Currently the website, as being a powerful instrument of MKT, came with total force, mainly in these last years. Thanks to the Internet each accessible time, we can make purchase and until renting one flat without leaving house.

God blesses the technology! This without citing the innumerable possibilities of interaction saw Internet. has people that it inquires still me regarding if having a website. As one web to designer I am suspected to speak, but it is fact that a company today that not to possess one, will be predestinold to the death, professionally speaking. Coming back to speak of the ways of communication, is of if frightening that, to less than ten years behind, still the minority showed a beautiful cellular telephonic device, the celebrity ‘ ‘ tijolo’ ‘. Ah that homesicknesses of the tijolo! He was great, heavy and feioso, but he was top of the technology, therefore you could go to any place and had a telephone to the disposal to bind at any time and not only when she was in its residence.

I remember my father to show all proud its cellular device, that it used exhibiting in the waist, if was to currently, of far somebody could swear that it had armed, haha! This was really marcante! But the things had nowadays moved very. Certain time I came across with a child in the line of shopping, in a beautiful afternoon of sunday, with a cellular device of more modern of what mine, they astonish! I was thinking what it could make with as much technology to the disposal, after all, is alone a child. Then, I have that to admit that today I have one smartphone that it only lacks to make a capuccino! This thundering evolution in the ways of communication started here in Brazil in the start of this new decade. Still in the first years of the new millenium the thing was shy, as they say for there, started as one marolinha and suddenly it came one where giant of practical new features and a cativante appearance, however expensive for the pocket of the Brazilian. The new features that arrive and in very little time are many to assimilate. At my time of college I remember that they had asked what was what I had. I, is clearly, was showing in my table one ‘ ‘ fantstica’ ‘ newness for the year of 2006: a MP3 Player you are welcome more, nothing less than 128 mb. I confess that until today I have it in my drawer of the office, to keep memory. Who knows daqui one years not seeing for the Internet for a good price! After all it has taste for everything, how many collectors does not have for there behind these rare parts?


The instantaneous communicators serve you to keep contact with the people that likes or needs. The MSN is one of them, where you can add the friends, familiar, fellow workers and all the people who to desire. However, if you already use the MSN you can have noticed that, some times, certain people who costumavam to be always on-line are off-line and you if question if foI blocked. But, he will be possible to see blocked who me in the MSN? Yes, this is possible through a MSN verifier. You do not need more to be thinking if or she is not blocked in the MSN of somebody. It is enough to look for a MSN verifier and to take off the doubt. Generally you perceive that the person is not more on-line in its after vocs MSN to have by any reason argued or fought that she is. Then the doubt appears.

But he is extremely simple to know if you were blocked by that person. He has access any site of search and he looks for the verifier. They will appear innumerable sites that offer this service, you only needs to choose one of them to finish with its doubt. It enters the verifiers of MSN blockade, are the MSN Geeks and Verificador.net. To use the service, I will choose one of them and I place its email and its password. With these data, the site will say to it if you were blocked by some of its contacts and its doubt will be ceased. But later that to discover does not advance to emburrar. Therefore who search, generally finds! in the Internet, to find what we look for is more easy still.

Therefore almost everything and great part of the services are disponibilizados in the pages of web. You only need a time to look for that she will find any thing. The instantaneous communicators, as the MSN, had been made with intention to approach the people, to keep them in always counted and facilitating its communication. In case that some day you have if misunderstood with one of its contacts and this it were reason so that it has blocked to it in the MSN, you he can look for to know. To talk with the people whom we like is one of the things that in the ones of the pleasure. Hardly we find somebody that it does not like to talk and to have friends. the communicators allow that these friendships are fortified, therefore the people can be very far and exactly thus to continue if communicating. He is possible also to see them through webcam and to order videos and images. He keeps its familiar friends and close to you and uses the Internet its favor. In case that he has conquered some disaffection and he wants to undo this, he looks for to talk with the person. If already he will be blocked in its MSN, he searchs forms to find it in social nets, or even though in the street, walking for there, in events and parties. But if you do not want more to have counted with this person who blocked it for reasons its, you add new counted and she does not leave to use the MSN!