This – the first zone of protection, and, in simple systems, the only one. This zone restricts access to the interior vehicle, preventing, for example, stealing things from the cabin or trunk. Identification system implements the second zone of protection – a little car to get inside, you still have the 'tolerance' to start the engine. Blocking of the engine – this is subsystem, which does not allow an attacker to leave the car. Lock can be operated in different modes, depending on what area of disturbed. Finally, the warning system is designed to convey to the owner message about the attack on the car. On how well implemented in the security system, these pieces of functionality depends on how firmly it will be able to resist the hijacking of a car. In other words, its class.’>Pcperformer wanted to know more.
For comparison possible implementations of the parts in different security systems from different manufacturers in this article will use the scale in which higher score corresponds to the 'I', the lowest – 'V'. So, automobile security systems, alarms, immobilisers have the following characteristics: class Lock; class * control channel * identification of the owner class * class warning. * And more: * reliability * value; Service capabilities * * flexible configuration. Class Lock locks – the ability to disable the alarm system engine car. The most common is an electric lock, where one or several circuits that are vital to the engine, opens and closes on alarm system commands. Security system allowed the trip – the relay contacts closed, the circuit is restored, engine is running.