Month: October 2015

Vision Integral

Intelligence holistic is the ability of consciousness to discern what is true as true and what is false as false, is based on the eye of the spirit, is a spiritual capacity, arises when there are integrity and harmony between the faculties, thoughts and feelings of the individual, serves to know ourselves. In this way, the intelligence and the certainty are the inner lumen of compassion, are the basis of a new spirituality for the S-XXI. The educator holistic lives of compassion, study holistic education is to study ourselves. A VISION INTEGRAL education in the second book of a Vision Integral education is exposed an integral vision of what is the holistic education which focuses on the evolution of human consciousness, to advance from the body to the spiritual experience to enable us to live life as a single whole, in a multinivel-multidimension perspective and differentiating quality of integrity in this 21st century changing global era, is of great importance for the educational processYou can no longer keep with an industry scientific paradigm that is not enough for the new culture holistic requiring today. Today, it is necessary an integral formation with an awareness of interdependence, cooperation and global peace, with a transcendent educational paradigm, based on spirituality with a pedagogy of universal love. A paradigm shift global in a context that will allow the development of holistic with high sensitivity human education is therefore needed. Holistic comes from Greek holos meaning whole, referring to the understanding of reality in function of totalities in integral processes in a complex holarquia, which covers the basics maybe, to the superior through natural hierarchies of development towards a full realization. Then, the holistic education is an education for peace, human brotherhood, promotes the development of an awareness of Concord, solidarity and cooperation, believes that the essence of life is harmony, is a pedagogy of universal love.


in unit 18 and the second heat in a heat exchanger 3 to the temperature 7 10 C, filtered and blended with reservoir liquor at the rate of glucose fermentation mixture 22g/dm3. If necessary, a correction in the fermentation mixture tank 5, and then continuously fed to the champagne in the unit 6, in the lower zone which carry the process of secondary fermentation fluctuating yeast cells. Later shampaniziruyuschee wine sent to the area of the sorbent (The device is filled to 2 / 3 volume), where the processes of fermentation of wine and its enrichment of biologically active substances of yeast, distributed on the sorbent, in accordance with their age and physiological state. Yeast layout which contains 3 5 million. kletok/sm3 supplied from the generator 20 in a special yeast placed inside the machine for champagne 6. Technological scheme of champagne and sparkling wines: 1, 30 pumps, 2, 31 – Apparatus for de-aeration, 3,10,11, 32, 35, a heat exchanger; 4.19, 24, 29, 33, 37 filters, 5-apparatus for the fermentation mixture, 6, 34 – Apparatus for champagne wine, 7,8,9 – Apparatus for holding a white sparkling wine, 12, 13 – Apparatus for cold treatment, 14, 15, 16 – receiving apparatus for the white sparkling wine, 17 – a machine for making the tank liquor, 18 – a machine for the tank liquor, 20 – : 21 – , 22, 25 – a machine for making dosage liqueur; 23, 26, 27, 28 – Apparatus for the expedition liqueur, and 36 – the device for holding a red sparkling wine, 38 – receiving apparatus for a red sparkling wine, 39 – receiving apparatus with pink sparkling wine.

Avid Education

Promotes dialogue as way of understanding the sustainability to promote development but at the same time preserve the natural resources of the planet, leads a global vision that goes from a planetary perspective to local, offers a way of life, a position of interdependence and balance between external and internal knowledge. It is a holistic practice that develops three paths of wisdom, devotion and compassionate action, unlike traditional without heart, mechanical, partial, education superficially, this involving spirituality. A fundamental basis in holistic education are the three influences for its development, which are the perennial philosophy, new paradigms and the work of great pedagogues such as Plato, Jose Vasconcelos, Comenius, Pestalozzi, Antonio Caso, among many others. On the proposal of the education holistic integrates the wisdom of the new and the old, there are great people with great thoughts as Plato and Buddha and integrate their knowledge with new thinkers like Ken Wilber, Sam Keen, Peter Russel Holistas, the holistic education integrates the best of each knowledge produced by humanity throughout its history to generate a vision of totality. With this vision is holistic form integral human beings in which spirituality is developed to modify bad that now is observed and to promote solidarity, peace, harmony, tolerance, patience, dialogue, democracy, compassion love, fraternity, kindness among other things that is Avid modern man. In this book, what struck me most positively was the understanding of the relationships that exist between the educator and students, Dr. Gallegos called epistemological relations and declares which are given three different forms, the object object this isn’t reactive there is interaction, there is no subjectivity; the second relationship is the subject object and is performed between human beings and the natural world, is systemic, linear, instrumentation and behavioral, is the relationship of a mechanistic teacher, who did not consider his student as a being with own reasoning; the third relationship is that of subject subject is the relationship between human, cultural and significant subjects, mediated by language, intentionality, understanding and mutual interest, is what gives meaning to our lives, because education begins through an understanding of the other.

Wanderlei Codo

A professor said, in one of the interviews, is clearly: ' ' for me they are forty cabbages, forty heads that I eye in my front and am my pupils. They are forty cabbages. For me it does not make difference if it learned or it did not learn. It does not make difference if it has problem in house or if it does not have. I want to know that I have plus a lesson and that at the end of the year I go to have had more forty resultados.' ' You make a process to eliminate the pupil symbolically, to suffer little. Or you you symbolically eliminate. You start to detestar any meeting.

The best meetings are the ones that detesta you because they involve you, its participation, etc. you do not go There to the meeting or when she goes is drawing florzinhas e, currently, changing messages in cellular, writing the besteira one for amiguinho that it is there it are and receiving in return and etc. besteira Any thing, less to commit itself in the work. This calls low comprometimento in the work. In short, what it discloses the low comprometimento of the professors in the work? Wanderlei Codo – and what you have there? It is a composed triangle for emotional exhaustion, low comprometimento and desprofissionalizao. This trio calls burnout, that it today reaches thirty and five percent of the professors.

These suffer from a psychological suffering that if calls burnout and are composed for this tripod: emotional exhaustion, low comprometimento and desprofissionalizao …. Care, in first place burnout is not illness. Burnout is one psychological suffering. If you lost its mother and are sad, I you cannot say that you are a mental sick person. I am more easy to say that you are a mental sick person if you lost its mother and not to be sad.

Integrated Automation

Automation of business – is a complex of administrative and technical work. And this is – not a trivial install software on computers. This event is bound to ask the customer time and money resources, and most importantly – resource 'desire to automate and vision of purpose'! Work on the implementation of software, usually consist of the following steps: 1. Survey of the subject of automation, the identification of key goals, objectives and elements of automation. At this stage, is determined by: – There is paperwork – concerned departments, the employees – the types of information, ways to share it – calculation algorithms, external factors affecting on them – forms of primary documentation, standards paged and download the information – the form of internal, external financial and management reporting. Also, at this stage, we study the reflection of the above processes Accounting and depth of automation with the defined goals and objectives. The result of this work, as a rule, it is: a) "Report on the survey " with a detailed description of identified goals, objectives, information flow, automation objects with their attributes and parameters, and b) "Recommendations on technical and administrative activities for the automation of " in which, relying on the expertise of our senior staff, will set out a list of administrative actions and technical tools for automation. It also will reflect the degree of suitability of software "1C" or other vendors to solve the tasks and the types of databases and other software suitable for the task.


What can we see through telescopes of different diameters: 60-70 mm refractor, reflector 70-80 mm.Dvoynye star with separation greater than 2 '- Albireo, Mizar, and so on. Fainter stars up to 11,5 m.Pyatna on the Sun ( only with the aperture filter). Venery.Na Moon Phases craters of a diameter of 8 km.Polyarnye caps and sea on Mars, during the Great protivostoyaniya.Poyasa on Jupiter, and under ideal conditions, the Great Red Spot (GRS), four satellites Yupitera.Koltsa Saturn, the Cassini gap at different conditions appeared pink zone on the disk Saturna.Uran and Neptune as zvezd.Krupnye ball (eg M13) and scattered skopleniya.Pochti all objects Messier catalog with no details in nih.Refraktor 80-90 mm, 100-120 mm reflector, catadioptric 90 – 125 mm. Double star with separation of 1.5 'and more faint stars up to 12 eV. velichiny.Strukturu sunspots, granulation and flaring of the field (only with the aperture filter). Merkuriya.Lunnye Phase sized crater about 5 km.Polyarnye caps and sea Mars during protivostoyaniy.Neskolko extra belts on Jupiter and the GRS. The shadows of the moons of Jupiter on the disk planety.Schel Cassini in Saturn's rings and 4-5 sputnikov.Uran and Neptune in the form of small discs with no details on nih.Desyatki globular clusters, the bright globular clusters will disintegrate into stardust on krayam.Desyatki planetary and diffuse nebulae, and all directory objects Messe.Yarchayshie objects from the catalog of NGC (for the brightest and most large objects possible to distinguish some of the details, but the galaxy in the majority remain hazy spots without details).

Refractor 100-130 mm, reflector or catadioptric 130-150 mm double star with separation of 1 'and more faint stars up to 13 eV. velichiny.Detali lunar mountains and craters the size of 4.3 km.Mozhno try with a blue filter to consider the spot in the clouds at Venere.Mnogochislennye details on Mars during . in the belts on the belt Yupitera.Oblachnye Saturne.Mnozhestvo weak asteroids and komet.Sotni star clusters, nebulae and galaxies (from the brightest galaxies can be seen traces of spiral structure (M33, M51)). A large number of directory objects NGC (many objects You can see the interesting details). Refractor 150-180 mm, reflector or catadioptric 175-200 mm double star with separation of less than 1 ', faint stars up to 14 eV. velichiny.Lunnye formation of 2 km.Oblaka and dust storms on Marse.6-7 Saturn's moons, we can try to see the drive Titana.Spitsy in Saturn's rings at the maximum of their raskrytii.Galileevy satellites as small diskov.Detalnost images with such apertures is determined not capabilities of optics and state atmosfery.Nekotorye globular clusters are resolved at the stars, almost to the tsentra.Vidny details of the structure of many nebulae and galaxies when observed from the city zasvetki.Refraktor 200 mm or more, a reflector or catadioptric 250 mm bolee.Dvoynye star with the division to 0,5 ', under ideal conditions, the stars up to 15 eV. magnitude and slabee.Lunnye education of less than 1.5 km.Nebolshie clouds and smaller structures on Mars, rare cases – Phobos and Deymos.Bolshoe amount of detail in an atmosphere Yupitera.Delenie Encke in the rings of Saturn, Neptune disk Titana.Sputnik Triton.Pluton as a weak zvezdochki.Predelnaya detail images determined by the state atmosfery.Tysyachi galaxies, star clusters and tumannostey.Prakticheski all directory objects NGC, many of which show details invisible in smaller telescopes razmerov.U most striking nebulae observed subtle tsveta.Vybrat and buy a telescope you can on our site sky and successful observations!

Peter Stuyvesant

In 1642, Peter Stuyvesant was appointed Governor. With him, the island turns into an important center of trade, and what sets It would become one of the main markets of slaves for the European colonies in America especially for Brazil, made this which gives a strong boost to the economic development of the colony. The island was occupied by the English in two occasions, ranging from 1800 to 1803, and from 1807 to 1816, both motivated by the Napoleonic wars in Europe. Almost simultaneously, occur the independence movements of the Hispanic colonies on the continent, which contributes to giving refuge to heroes such as Simon Bolivar, and with the participation of at least two of its key characters, such as Manuel Piar, liberator of the province of Guayana, and Luis Brion, who became Admiral of the Republic of Colombia. For the year 1863 slavery is abolished in the Netherlands, including in them the island of Curacao colonies, which leads to a severe economic crisis. Because of this, a significant number of its inhabitants emigrated in search of work, mainly on the island of Cuba, where work on the sugarcane plantations of sugar. The discovery of oilfields in Venezuela, in the early 20th century, specifically, in the Lake Maracaibo basin, leads to the establishment of one of the most important refineries in the world for its time.

This gives a new impetus to its economy, and the arrival of a new wave of immigrants. During the second world war, military of the United States, laying down that the island is one of the main sources of fuel for the operations of the allies in Europe. Consequently, its port is besieged by Nazi Germany at various times submarine. On May 30, 1963 produced popular uprisings in the island, motivated by global contraction in the oil industry and the unhappy product of exclusion within its main industry.