Each party are a place of memory and utopia, that the playful one detaches, running away from the routine; a social meeting, between the s cultural diversities, where the individuals are taken, to the collective delirium, which to put absorb or are devorados, for such feeling. Therefore, we can conclude that, in agreement as two the main and antagonistic theoretical models of social sciences on the party, it is the momentnea experimentation of the society without rules, exempts of data organization way, having the function to reiterate or to deny the way for which a society if organizes, in data historical moment, through the temporary dissolution that the desregramento allows. It reiterates (Durkhein, 1968) the social organization when perceivable becoming the imprescindibilidade of the limiter rules so that the society if does not dissolve in the chaos and the harmony of which the party, costuma to be the example. LEGO Papert Professor: the source for more info. Or, on the other hand, ' ' negaria' ' this same organization through the desregramento, to affirm the utopia of the ideal society, new, in which the joy and the total interaction with the proper nature human being, are the model of the full and happy life. The utopia of the return to the primordial paradise. Necessary E, however, to lead in consideration that both the theoretical models had been constructed taking as references the parties of the societies ' ' simples' ' , in which the adhesion the cultural values can give in way a little more homogeneous than in a society ' ' completa' ' , where some coexistentes groups had defended proper values, exclusive and even though antagonistic many times, becoming more difficult to think that the parties of an intensely pluricultural society can ' ' negar' ' or ' ' afirmar' ' a set of values established and partilhados for all. The parties also mean the destruction of the differences between the individuals, and them they associate the violence and to the conflicts, therefore they are the differences that keep the order. In the party, to the differences to be dissolved, destroying the rules that separate, the violence without always find latent. When analyzing the parties, we can find mediaes privileged, between varied dimensions and structure, joining the past to the gift, the gift to the future, the life and the death, sacred and the profane one, the fancy and the reality, symbolic and the concrete, the myths and history, the place and the global one, the nature and the culture between many other, the parties constitute a transcendental event, a world ideal, without time nor space, where the imagination everything can produce, transform and remake. A symbolic solution, therefore, when joining the being to the one in the o to be, atravsda accomplishment of all the utopias despite for brief periods, ' ' it places in cena' ' , collective and individual pormeio of its dramatizados aspects more, projects, materialize dreams, yearnings and fancies, at the same time where, far from constituting an alienator phenomenon, separate and distant of the real life, the resolution of real problems is also turned, through organization of the groups in local level, aiming at for example; to always search profits, either for social ends, politicians, economic and religious.
Month: June 2016
SoftwareDEMO cloud platform is now available as a free 30-day trial. Only a one-time registration is necessary on the Web page. SoftwareDEMO cloud platform is now available as a free 30-day trial. With numerous feature extensions, especially the software-as-a-service (SaS) market in the focus has moved. The free test opportunity appeals particularly to customers from the new target segment and should help you get started. Originally offered as a tool for software distribution in the cloud, SoftwareDEMO has evolved not only technologically, but also conceptual continue. Because now the Stuttgart IT wrought DT Netsolution GmbH cloud platform offers numerous features that appeal to new target groups: in addition to the in-house servers, now also hosting plans, for example, by Amazon AWS and machines by customers in the cloud can be incorporated. So, the permanent use of SoftwareDEMO is economic.
As a consequence, software manufacturers have the possibility, their products now for permanent use as a SaS offering in the SoftwareDEMO-cloud to offer. In the 30-day trial can obtain access to a SoftwareDEMO server, the management environment, as well as a login portal. Now, they must install only software on the server and send user accounts. “Stefan Horz, Managing Director of SoftwareDEMO: with the free trial, we wish to encourage software manufacturers to put concerns about the cloud and to convince yourself of our service.” There is the free 30-day trial of SoftwareDEMO under the following link: SoftwareDEMO-30-day trial of SoftwareDEMO SoftwareDEMO is the cloud platform, software maker potential interested parties present the performance of their software. No download, installation, and latency software under real-world conditions can be used: independently or together with the sales.
More information is available under. About DT Netsolution the DT Netsolution GmbH is a Stuttgart-based IT service provider, since 1999 solutions for small and medium-sized enterprises provides. In the range from consulting to installation to maintenance and operation.
Altina Magalhes Coast the communication is an inherent phenomenon to the human being that since its more primitive time it searchs to develop different forms of if to communicate with its fellow creatures and each day the level of evolution of the thought of the man allows it to communicate itself of more efficient form, and in this to evolve constant the technology has been a great partner contributing so that to each day the people if they communicate more and better breaching limits and borders until then unimaginable. The orality and the writing are discursivos sorts with its peculiarities also already very commented, for the agreement that if dealt with well different forms of language, with proper characteristics.
Also in the past they were seen as practical of communication independent between itself, however today if it knows that of that already was argued the point most excellent it is that both occur in differentiated conditions of production, reflect a greater or minor dependence of the context as well as of its interlocutors. The Internet is a propitious environment for development of the orality and the writing, it of the consistency to this process for being a net of interactive communication that provokes changes, in the culture, the society and the individual use that it, these changes if reflect in the forms to act, to think consequentemente and about the used forms of language until then. To each access internauta reorganizes the thought, it constructs and it reconstructs says/to orality and the writing to it. It is through the exchange of agile and efficient information for the world-wide net of computers that the development and the integration of the orality and occurs it to the writing in diverse virtual environments as: emails, blogs, orkut, to twitter, rooms of beat papo and other virtual supports that promote the dialogue digitalizado and give its contribution so that internauta uses its orality of desinibida form, a time that the subjects are diversified and the readers/writers or interlocutors are differentiated.
Free space on your hard drive a full hard drive slow down your operating system. Although this is technological equipment which, every day, have more space to store information, they are filled with easily trash due to poor maintenance, the constant use of Internet, malicious software and constant installation of programs. So your computer is operating properly, you should leave some space. Here are some suggestions: 1. Simple: Use of Windows Cleanup. Windows has between his native tools suite a cleanup that seeks information on the disc of the files that you can safely delete.
It is possible to delete some or all files from the list that the application displays at the end of the analysis. 2 Defragment your hard disk after free space. Windows Disk Defragmenter makes the least amount of space between files so that the system can find more quickly and effectively. To defragment, stacked files, space is freed and the system runs much faster. 3.
Empty the Recycle Bin recycle regularly many times forget to empty the Recycle Bin, and although they are files that do not already appear in the folders where they were, they still occupy space. Get rid of these files regularly and save resources. 4. Keep copies in portable formats (CDs, DVDs, memory sticks) many media files (music, photos, videos) occupy much space to ensure sharpness. Keeping them on removable media, it is possible to have more space on your hard disk. They are small tips to keep your system running fast. Information technology offers solutions but also requires care that only a responsible user can offer. Original author and source of the article.
Free, open, slender and internationally – developed in the Westphalian Haan a rapidly growing image Portal teaches the big fear Internet sites that offer the user a small digital space for your own pictures, there are many: experience has shown that such offers have the one or the other hook, are either temporary or limited in terms of screen size, or advertising financed (or both), hoard image mountains without structure or are run over so, that real pearls will simply perish. Leidensgepruft want to make it better two Haaner with by numerous own experiences with the common image portals. You are looking for party photos and nude pics here: as a free alternative to commercial and anonymous portals an open community to the photographic collection of the world are welcome in the images from any location in any country and at any time is hidden behind the name instead. Looking for meaningful evaluation criteria they have the two school friends appropriately in the first place for a geographical Division decided, meaning that each photo in the upload a country and there a city, a landscape or a point of interest associated with must. New places can be, created conveniently immediately in the upload dialog box by the user with card segments providing assistance in the geographical map.
In addition to the unique geographic mapping to a spot is to associate each image also prescribed categories and should be marked with the month and year of induction. If this has piqued your curiosity, check out Mitchel Resnick. Along with the title of a photo and the description text results in a complex database that can be searched by virtually any criteria. Target page is not to collect simple masses of photos, but visually by a meaningful framework to capture locations. The reasons are manifold: unless some to warn of the disastrous conditions of a resort or whether to bring the one or other insider tip in the environment or even our own line the neighbors in the village. All too often it happens that brochures, catalogs and Glossy magazines raise expectations without meeting them. Not rarely advertised positions as nepp overloaded tourist traps turn out to be ‘homely Geheimtipp’ and ‘quiet Hotels’ or ‘romantic Cafes’ turn out to be Flash and clogged line clearance.
On the other hand, people know the sites that get an original flair on site and the regulars. Places, where the magic of a country or region could survive, and that actually are worth the visit. By the date of recording an image, it is also possible to document locations in their development to visualize for example the progress in construction or the change in styles. Because not all museums, shops and monuments need the investment more valuable – because limited – earn vacation time, the communication of knowledge is a valuable service. Photographers will also receive a reliable feedback to their images with the ability to comment on uploads, to discuss and to evaluate with points. Because the pages have been programmed lean and functional and come out without unnecessary gadgets, they are quick to build and allow rapid access to all essential elements thanks to a well thought out menu. “The joy of MyGreatWorld.com will depend clearly the participation and commitment of the participants and visitors”, explains Thorsten Scherff the MyGreat GBR, which is responsible for the technical implementation” We make available only the platform with the Web page, the page is filled with life only everywhere through the images by users all over the world.
French historian, Fustel de Coulanges was born in Paris the 18 of March of 1930 and died in Massy the 12 of September of 1889. 1850 he registered himself the cole Normale Suprieure of Paris, moving in 1853 to the French School of Atenas. Between 1853 and 1858, he was busy in studies and archaeological research in the island of Quio. In 1858, it was doutorou, defending the thesis Polybe or La Grce conquise pair you read romaim (Polbio or Greece conquered for the Romans), and in 1860 was nominated professor of history in the college of letters of Strasbourg, where it remained up to 1870. Lecionou to follow in the college of letters of Paris and in 1878 assumed the chair of medieval history in the Sorbonne.
Its last important position was of director of the cole Normale Suprieure, from 1880. Fustel de Coulanges remodelled the method of the historical studies in France, being responsible for a more scientific boarding of the subjects of old history. It was opposed the mere livresca erudio, preferring to value the certification of the historical facts, supplied for the texts of time and for the traditions, in order to print greater objetividade to its studies. It intended to ahead assume one total imparcialidade of the facts, in well diverse attitude of the one of the romantic historians had preceded who it, as Michelet, over all for the determination to prevent the confusion between the historical study and other interests. Its method, as well as its conceptions of old history and French history, had excited many controversies and accusations. Those defends that it assure the respect and the confidence that inspire the workmanships of Coulanges for having been established in documents and the direct analysis of the texts. In counterpoint, its critics accuse ferrenhos to demonstrate it little paleogrfico knowledge, he would have what it induced the numerous errors of interpretation.
Ambient conscience The serious ecological crisis that the humanity crosses is the result of the moral crisis and spiritual who comes if accenting has centuries for the removal of the man of essential values to its nature as the respect for I obtain exactly and stops with the other human beings its brothers. The man comes if brutalizing, although the technological advance, product of the intellectual development that was incapable to humanizar it. The great discoveries and the great advances have served to infernizar its existence and to harden its heart incapable to soften the anger of a instinctive reason that became it enemy of itself exactly and of the Nature. The ambient crisis is consequence of this serious crisis spiritual. To save the environment the human being will have to be saved using its intelligence and its heart.
It has emergenciais problems to be decided: the destruction of the forests, the layer of ozone, the contamination of ground and waters, the wild consumerism, the demographic explosion, the education. But it will always be a confrontation to the consequences and not to the causes, as in the case of the violence, that emergencialmente must be fought with policing, severe laws, fast justice, but that to the long stated period it will have to be fought with education and distribution of income. To the children if it must teach to respect the fellow creature and the Nature, in the pertaining to school banks and the homes. But who will have to make it if the proper professors do not adopt this behavior? A great educational revolution will have to be taken the handle, starting for educating the adults so that they learn to control and to dominate the thoughts violent that of mind in mind make the estragos that if knows very well. The man left to think seriously, spiritual, to think superficially, materially, egoistically.
MARCONI, Marina of Andrade; LAKATOS, Eva Maria. Beddings of Scientific Methodology. 7 Ed. So Paulo: Atlases, 2010. The present summary comes to emphasize on Science, scientific knowledge and methods.
In the first chapter it will only be worked science and knowledge, and in as it will be worked the methods. Having therefore, 2 literal pages. This text will be emphasized in agreement two chapters one that say on Science and scientific knowledge, and another one that speaks on the methods. The text in itself, starts speaking of scientific knowledge, that if summarizes in four types of knowledge, that they are: Popular knowledge: that he is valorativo par excellence, therefore if fundamentaliza in one operated on the basis of states of spirit and emotions. Philosophical knowledge: that also he is valorativo, however makes use of hypotheses, that cannot be submitted to the comment.
Religious knowledge: if apia in doctrines that contain sacred proposals, using always faith believing the act of our creative the holy ghost. Scientific knowledge: it only deals with occurrences of facts, being that they are not only taken advantage of the reason, but also of the experience. immediately afterwards is said of the Concept of science that understands for systematization, after all science proves the truth above all that it studies, therefore always has a fact or some type of phenomenon to be proven, being that formal and factual science exists. However in as I capitulate is only said of scientific Methods, is said of the use that science makes through some methods. Some types of knowledge, knowledge exist that can be said that it comes of this the antiquity, and in the way of some knowledge not even our religious knowledge was discarded, therefore it involves our faith, truths and revelations of the deity of our creator. However of the one not to speak of knowledge without it involves science, after all it can be said that science is a knowledge systematization that has objectives and functions.