Ecology and we are facing a true planetary emergency. It is a challenge moral and spiritual humanity indicated dramatically to Al Gore, former Vice President of the United States, when he accepted his Noble peace prize. But once was lowered curtain of luminous the prize ceremony, a question arose: our growing environmental awareness will save us from the ecological crisis? To take control of the ecological crisis, we must first understand their root causes by examining the nature and their systems. Researchers from natural systems in physics, biology, chemistry and other sciences found that components of nature exist in constant balance. These elements are so interconnected and interdependent that damaging even the smallest detail, it can result in an imbalance of the entire system. Monkeys know best the secret of the balance of nature is the reciprocal concern between all its parts. This mutual concern is more evident in the animal Kingdom: from insects and mammals, like ants, bees, monkeys and elephants, which clearly show the care of one to another, until the simplest microbes inside our bodies who help each other to find the iron compounds. The researchers found that sharing between plant species and even inanimate particles take mutual actions to hold the object that they form. Dr. Jane Goodall, who devoted his life to studying chimpanzees in their natural habitat, summarized his extensive experience of life in nature: found what has been described as the peace beyond all understanding. If we want to feel peace in the world today, that is the peace which we should point to carry within us. Man versus nature A differs from all other creatures, humans continually disrupt the balance of nature systems. They exploit the environment, enjoy the suffering of others, and erected on the ruin of others. Certainly, we are not always aware of our actions. But in nature, ignorance of the law does not exempt one from the punishment. If we realize it has or not, we are integral parts of nature. Therefore, when we treat our environment selfishly and try to exploit it, we produce an imbalance in the entire system. In response, nature makes every effort to rebalance their systems. Your response is automatic, as in the case when the pressure rises in the center of the Earth to such an extent that the outer layer of the Earth already cannot bear it and so a volcano erupts. While minerals, plants and animals are instinctively driven to maintain the natural balance, the man has an extraordinary opportunity to be balanced with nature through free choice. This is a special role of man in nature. If by own will, we choose balance with nature, we will raise to a new level of existence and experience the perfection that abounds in nature. The ecological crisis is just a symptom of the problems organic that we see are only symptoms that indicate that we are unbalanced with nature. To solve the ecological crisis, we need to learn the laws that operate in nature and implement the same principles in our society. In other words, we must take the general law of nature to the human level. This means adopting nature the principle of reciprocity and the concern of one by the other. Do assume that all persons must take care of the needs of one another? Yes, it sounds utopian. In fact in today’s world, everything apart from love between human beings seem to make sense to us: violence, crime, drug abuse, depression, suicide, poverty and segregation. All these aspects are considered as normal and participate in our everyday reality. While we favour none of these evils, we see them as inevitable side effects of our lives, isn’t it? False. In fact, these are all completely unnatural. Nature is impeccable and operates in perfect harmony. All the problems in the world come from our incongruity with the laws of nature. Because we don’t realize that we are an integral part of nature, we tend to think that selfishness between us is not related to the ecological crisis. In reality, however, everything we do affects every level of nature, even the ecology. Our disregard for the environment goes hand in hand with our mutual indifference. Therefore, do not we can really try to correct our relationship with the environment while we ignore our mutual dealings. The sincere call from Al Gore to the world to wake up and face our environmental challenge is definitely important. But to realize this, we need to change our mutual relations and allow to reveal the complete picture of nature. With this transformation, we will find a balance with all its elements, to reach perfection in every aspect of our lives. Dr. Phd Michael Laitman is Professor of ontology, doctor in philosophy and Kabbalah, with Master’s degree in cybernetic biology. Author of 40 books on authentic Kabbalah. Founder of Bnei Baruj and Institute Ari, in Israel, dedicated to the teaching of the Kabbalah wisdom for free. Bnei Baruch has become a global organization with students from all parts of the world. Its members are dedicated to the research and dissemination of the wisdom of Kabbalah. Information at. KAB. Info. KAB. TV/spa. Laitman. ES