If you are thinking about buying a new mobile phone, and you want it to be not just a "dialer" and "otpravschikom" SMS, you should think about buying is not the phone, and smartphone. What is a smartphone different from the usual phone? You can tell that the smartphone – it is a small computer. Opportunities for much more smart phone, unlike a regular phone, which works on the technology of Java. The main difference – it's an operating system smartphone. There are several operating systems, which employ smart phones. For example, Symbian: in this system are built all smartphones NOKIA. It is also widely used in recent times have received and other operating systems.
Such as, Windows Mobile, this Operating System as you guessed from the giant Microsoft. Another well-known operating system, which in recent years widespread – iPhone OS. This system has built everything iPhone. But in addition to everything else on the market exists and OS Android, which in recent times has been very widely used in mobile devices. Of all these operatsionok want to allocate the operating system Android. You ask why? It's simple! She has a good functionality, speed work, open source, and a lot more than. Android OS is based on Linux, which is a free operating system and has established itself as an alternative to Windows. But do not go into the jungle wake up the OS, as before Our challenge is to figure out what is so good smartphone LG Optimus one P500.