Blog Groups

I am mathematics teacher (today I act as formadora of Gestar I and II) and notice the great difficulty of majority of the pupils in the interpretation of the situations problems proposal for professors. She is necessary to innovate pedagogical practical ours and ahead of the new possibilities we have the multimedias our favor for increases the possibilities to share information of creative and pleasant form. White public: 1 year of Average Ensino Time of duration: For to be necessary fast results, had to the TCC, I intend to implant and to execute the project in the period of 15 to the 20 days. Development 1 Stage *Apresentao of the project for the involved professors and pupils; *Rede of ideas pupils and professors: emphasizing the importance of the technologies in special the tool of Web 2,0 the positive and negative Blog, points; the social value of the technology and others; (in classroom) *Formao of groups for the construction and choice of the name of the Blogs and definition of the subjects with autonomy of the pupils; *Escolha of a orienting professor for each group which will make the accompaniment and revision of the future postagens; *Informao of competition of Blog enters the groups with awarding. 2 Stage In the laboratory of computer science the professor will be mediating and intervined it stops: to *Visitar some Blogs already existing observing the structure of each one; to *Orientar the form step by step to create the Blog; (to open account and postagem of photos, text, videos and others in agreement the subject chosen for each group) 3 orienting Stage *Os will promote a moment of exchange of experiences between the groups; *Troca of address for interaction and contribution with postados commentaries.

(correction of texts emphasizing the informal difference between writings of and writing standard) to *Explorar in the classroom being strengthened the difference of the writing standard and the used one in Orkut and MSN. 4 Stage *Preparao of the presentation of the competition; *Divulgao of the day of the Event; *Elaborao of invitation; *Escolha of the juries; *Premiao; *Organizao of the Event. *Dia of the Event. Didactic and technological resources: Date show, computers, microphone, box of sound, digital, filmadora photographic machine, bristol boards, brushes, books, prizes, among others. Human resources: Professors, pupils, technician of the laboratory and collaborators. Evaluation: The professors and integrant pupils of the groups will make report and autoavaliao of the performance. Culminating point: Competition of the Blog with awarding. Bibliographies: