This is the most common and ideal for adding the first members. Simply to look for in Google trick for invite all contacts on Facebook and this much easier the way, given that you don’t have to go by selecting a one, but it selects the entire base of contacts at once. Link: Trick for invite all the contacts on Facebook 2 on your wall, where it says state you can also share the link on your page, it may be redundant to the previous point, but believe me that there are people who neither learns the invitations of the pages, to publish it on your wall they may realize that there is. 3 In your msn you can place the link to your page in options Personal display name. 4 You can ask the administrators of the pages with many fans who publish your link or do it yourself, the ideal is that they do so since many times you appear on the flap of others and almost nobody sees them.
It of placing something friendly and not to fall heavy doing it all the time. 5 Share on forums and sites in which you participate. This is the most boring part but also helps a lot, always leaving the link in your signature. 6 Put a share button on your page, simply add the FBML application and add you the following code where editing says URL of your page, put there yours: 7 Place a good striking logo, the width of the sidebar is 200. You pass some measures much are being used: 200 250; 200 300, 200 x 400, largest not because already they exaggerate. But you have experience looking for a friend or acquaintance that you as elavore. 8 On the information tab you can put a tutorial on the steps to follow to invite all contacts at once as we saw in section 1, there are people who don’t know or can get tedious do 300 click or more according to the amount of friends. 9 Keep alive page information, keep a record with publications, encourages readers to participate, makes interesting questions e.g.: If your page is cars, ask them: what brand prefer Ford or Chevrolet?.
The spicy questions also serve, if your page is sport, who is best Boca or River? Who wins the Championship Barcelona or Real Madrid? And I assure you that your fans are not bore the desire to answer those questions. And there must be hundreds of tips more, I think that you’ve cited the most important. If you’re wondering because I have few fans in my page of Lo Globalizo, it’s simple. I looking for fans who want daily read my articles, not that fans are only because if. Success with your pages!