Such alterations elapse of the conjugao of some factors, amongst which, most excellent they had been: the reduction in the taxes of natality, virtue of economic and cultural changes; the population emptiness in the corresponding to adults, mainly masculine bands, in reproductive age, because of II the Great War, and the advances of the Medicine and in the quality of life of the population, that had provoked an increase in the longevity of the people (Lehr, 1988). In if treating to Brazil, it was from years 60 that the segment of aged suffered a fast increase, where the base of the population pyramid comes in the last few decades if narrowing. Such fact if explains for the new conquests in the field of the preventive and curativa medicine; for the advance of the technology; for the simultaneous decrease of the natality taxes and for the accented reduction of infantile mortality. According to forecast of the ONU?
Organization of United Nations, in 2020 we will occupy 6 place in ranking world-wide in population old, and this scene imposes the necessity to face the problem of the aging conditions that occur of different form in our country. This thematic one provoked a concern generalized in diverse professional segments and made with that, in recent years proliferated in Brazil some programs and associations for old, as the Movement of the Pensioners, the Programs promoted for the SESC? Social service of the Commerce, the Universities of the Third Age or with Nuclei of the Third Age, the ANG? National association of Gerontologia and the SBGG? Brazilian society of Geriatria and Gerontologia. The happened contributions of the nuclei of studies and research, of the programs and the dedicated professionals to this area, had resulted in an increasing progress which deserves commemoration. Ahead of the displayed one, we can conclude that the Social Gerontologia is an area of fast growth and that has great necessity to evaluate and to direct its production constantly, this having to its character to multidiscipline, what also it congregates greater wealth of knowledge.