To advance acts of receiving of the credit card is an excellent alternative to obtain money quickly and although the taxes, still are a well cheap form when compared with other forms of fast financing where the interests can be three or four bigger times. Disadvantages: Many times the virtual store delay, bureaucracy, contracts success directly are related with the moment where it enters in air, the more fast better when we go to make contracts with the operators this can be a great problem. The process of I register in cadastre with operators already was not delayed, but although to have very improved in the last times, still he is much more slow of what effecting one I register in cadastre in a system of intermediao of payment and invariably it is necessary to have a CNPJ to obtain to carry through the act of contract and this, many times, is a complicador for who is starting. The good news is that the government has given a GREAT aid for who wants to start to undertake or wants to legalize itself with the program of the individual entrepreneur who makes possible the attainment of a CNPJ of fast, easy and cheap form. Fixed costs or high initial investment Depending on the type of platform of virtual store that you chose, mainly of free code or gratuitous, if to want to offer ways of direct payment with the operators will need or to contract one gateway of payments to make with that its store obtains to communicate itself with the operators or to buy modules that allow this communication. Depending on the platform that you have these modules arrive to cost some hundreds of Reals. Another point that also needs to be taken in consideration is that some operators charge taxes monthly to allow that its virtual store can offer ways of payment through them, something similar in the physical world, to the rent of the machine of credit card. .