The Internet as didactic tool the technological advance its influence for the area of the education also does not stop and. Today it has a variety of technological resources that are used in the similar classrooms of, to conquer the pupils or even though to assist the professors, becoming its more interesting and pleasant lessons, thus running away from the routine. Our focus, however will be come back toward the use of a specific technology that is the Internet, sufficiently used in the present time. The use of the Internet in the classroom falls again into the call multimdico processing. According to Moran (1998): The construction of the knowledge, from the multimdico process, is more ' ' livre' ' , less rigid, with opened connections more, that pass for the sensorial one, for the emotional one and the organization of the rational; a provisory organization, that if modifies with easiness, that creates instantaneous convergences and divergences, that needs instantaneous multiple processing and immediate reply. (p.148). We can say then that the Internet is one tool that uses some medias at the same time, and that thus it stimulates the pupil in the process of construction of the knowledge. The Internet also is capable to provide to this instantaneous multiple processing and this immediate reply, therefore she is linked with the world, making with that professors and pupils always follow the new information that go appearing.
In the graduation and the after-graduation the Internet, due is possible to use more the autonomy of the pupils and the easiness of access. The professor, in turn, must know its group similar to identify to which the resource most adequate to be used thus getting resulted satisfactory. For this, it must know and also know to use the available resources in the Internet well to be able to adapt them it its proposal pedagogical.