Scientific Methodology

One is then about if learning making, as it suggests the concepts most modern of the Pedagogia. We look for, in the possible measure do, to rigorously follow the rules defined for the Brazilian Association of Norms Techniques – ABNT, for elaboration of scientific works. In case that some rule is not being fulfilled, the responsibility is of the carelessness of the author. The present workmanship looks for not to make it difficult the questions that involve the elaboration of a project and the report of the research, therefore can be understood as a facilitadora of the learning, where the students will be able to consult, at any time, to suppress its doubts how much to the procedures, techniques and norms of research. When we speak of a superior course, we are in relating, indirectly, to an Academy of Sciences, since any College nothing more is of what the proper place of the incessant search of scientific knowing. In this direction, this disciplines has a basic importance in the formation of the professional. If the pupils look the Academy to search to know, need to understand that Scientific Methodology nothing more is of what it disciplines.